My name is Karen Summers. I started decorating cakes in college in 1994, when I was required to take a cake decorating course for my Culinary Arts major. Since then, my eyes have been opened to all kinds of sugar art, including cookie decorating. I worked as a professional cake and cookie decorator for 4 years, until I had a baby in the spring of 2000.

Now I live in Portland, Oregon, with my wonderful husband Mike and our cute little boy, Casey. My priority right now is being a full-time wife and mother, so I don't decorate as often as I used to. I like to keep my skills sharp by teaching others to decorate and by making cookies and cakes for family and friends on occasion.

I hope you are able to find some useful information here. Let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. I'd love to hear from you!

See our family's Web site to learn more about us.

unless otherwise indicated, all material copyright © 2001, Karen Summers

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